Thursday, October 9, 2014


 "In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven." (Matthew 5:16)

We all want to be happy and enjoy fulfilling lives.  We, as Christians, want to please our Father and have that feeling of accomplishment in doing so.  But we must remember, in all aspects of our lives, there must be balance.  For instance, we can't just workout and not eat healthy, it won't do much good.  You can't work all hours of the day to buy anything you want, and never have time to enjoy it. 

Followers of Christ can easily fall into this trap as well.  Churches focus on ONE doctrine and not the others, this is what created "denominations".  Christians often do great works like feeding the hungry, providing clothing to the needy, offering rehabilitation centers, and doing community work- but they lose balance.  How?  Sadly, they are often "helping" others physically, but they aren't sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with these dying souls. 

On the other hand, you have street corner evangelists spreading God's word, or door-to-door bible study saints offering God's word...but they won't give a dime to a hungry person. 
As true Believers, we must balance out our priorities for the Kingdom.  Our light must stay on at all times.  Let God use your hands AND your heart in His service. 

In order to brighten the path for others to come out of darkness, we must be well-rounded and willing to do the WHOLE job that God is calling us to do.  Physically helping others is great!  But please remember to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ as you do it.  Let the people know that Jesus loves them and wants to come into their hearts...not just provide a blanket and a hot meal for today.  There is healing, restoration, miracles, prosperity, love, and so much more waiting for them in the arms of our Lord!  It's our job to let them know that they have a package that needs to be opened...and it's a gift from Almighty God!


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for using me for your glory.  I may have fallen short on the things I should be doing, but I ask that you forgive me.  Give me the words to say and the deeds to do in order to be a light for someone who may be in darkness.  Help my light to shine brighter than ever before. In Jesus name, Amen.

Now, turn that light on!! 

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