Sunday, October 19, 2014


"When the Lord saw that he had gone over to look, God called to him from within the bush, “Moses! Moses!”
And Moses said, “Here I am.”  (Exodus 3:4)

After my morning prayer, I was thinking about how God shows up in the most unusual places, or at the most unusual times.  He has always done it that way! 

The backside of a dessert – God shows up to a man named Moses and a bush begins to burn and a mighty deliverance begins (Exodus 3:2).

In the belly of a large fish – God shows up to a man named Jonah and a missionary is dispatched to a cruel and wicked people group (Jonah 1:17).

In a cave with special effects – a rock-shattering wind, an earthquake, a fire, followed by a gentle whisper of the voice of God to a man named Elijah – and the order to anoint two kings (Hazael and Jehu) and a prophet (Elisha) is given (1 Kings 10:12-16).

On a dirt road to Damascus – God shows up to a man named Saul and the vessel through whom most of the New Testament would be penned is called (Acts 9:3-6).

On a ship caught in a tempest somewhere off of Crete in the Adriatic Sea– God shows up to a man named Paul and grants the request that 276 sailors and passengers not die and God grants the safety of every single one (Acts 27:23-24).

In a filthy Roman jail – God shows up about midnight to Paul and Silas who being held as prisoners for preaching the gospel and an earthquake facilitates every prisoner’s chains falling off (Acts 16:25-26).

At a despised tax collector’s booth – God shows up to a profiteering Jew named Matthew and an apostle is called is to follow Jesus (Matthew 9:9).

On a beach at the Sea of Galilee – God shows up to invite two brothers, Peter and Andrew, to change careers and become “fishers of men” (Matthew 4:19).

In the belly of a large fish – God shows up to a man named Jonah and a missionary is dispatched to a cruel and wicked people group (Jonah 1:17).

In a cave with special effects – a rock-shattering wind, an earthquake, a fire, followed by a gentle whisper of the voice of God to a man named Elijah – and the order to anoint two kings (Hazael and Jehu) and a prophet (Elisha) is given (1 Kings 10:12-16).


Dear Heavenly Father,  thank you so much for being right here anytime I need you.  Thank you for loving me enough to desire a continuous relationship with me.  I am so grateful for your love. Walk with me throughout today and show up in every part of my life.  Your presence brings me joy!  I feel comforted knowing that You are always right here with me. In Jesus' name, Amen.
You are never alone!

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